0.2 Create a Project

How to create a new project

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and customize 3D maps for projects, including defining map tile size, setting terrain mode, and reviewing/updating scenarios.




Creating a new project

  1. From the landing page (Projects), click Create (top right)
  2. Enter a project name
  3. There's also an option to upload a project cover photo here
  4. Click Next: Setup 3D Map


Define the map tile size

  1. Enter an address for the project and the viewer will navigate the globe to the location
  2. Select from a predefined size or adjust to a custom size
    • Small - 305 x 305 [m]
    • Medium - 610 x 610 [m]
    • Large - 915 x 915 [m]
    • Extra Large - 1725 x 1725 [m]
    • Custom - 100-5000 [m]
  3. To adjust to a custom size, either; drag the corners of the box in the viewer, drag the handle on the panel, or type a value from 100-5000 m
  4. To adjust the location of the preview box, pan the viewer by using right-click and drag
  5. Click Generate 3D Map
  6. Address/Origin conflict warning may appear if the preview box (origin) has been moved from the dropped pin (address)
    • Click Set New Address to combine them


Set Terrain Mode

  1. Select from Topographic or flat map mode
  2. If flat map mode is selected - there's an option to define the sea-level elevation at all points
    • "Flat map will be set at zero sea level by default, adjust this number to manually set the desired ground elevation"
  3. Define the map tile thickness by dragging the handle on the panel or entering a value from 20-200 m
    • Default thickness is set to 20 m - this may only be of consequence for deep excavations
  4. Toggle on Display Sea level Indicator to measure sea level on the map
  5. Click Apply and Create Scenario


Review and Update

  1. After performing the above steps a scenario has been created and you are now ready to begin working; however, if the location, size or terrain of the map requires changing, ensure to make this change prior to starting work if possible, as all scenarios must be deleted first
  2. To update the map:
    • Return to project 'Overview' page by clicking the project name in the navigation tree
    • Click the three dots on the scenario card and click Delete
      • Confirm the pop-up
    • Click Update
      • Make the desired changes
      • Click Generate 3D Map
  3. Now, recreate the scenario by clicking Create



Additional Links:

🔗Create a Scenario

🔗Project Map Editing


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