Site Plan Display Settings
Available with the Following Subscriptions: All Subscriptions
Available for the Following Roles: All Roles
Adjust basic view options and visibility of objects in the Site Plan.
Map Type
- Default: Show the default map style view
- Satellite View: Show the satellite image of the map tile
- This can also be accessed from the map button, in the bottom right corner of the viewer
- Reflections in windows: Customize reflection lights on windows
- Environmental Lighting: Customize ambient lighting for the scenario
- Background Color: Change the background color from the white default
Hide and show the following items:
- Origin Axis: origin point of the scenario
- Terrain: map tile to show only the buildings or excavation boundary
- Measurements: measurements that show when using the polyline tool or the manual measurements made from the Review Tab
- Topographic Lines: the elevation contour lines of the area
Select a view type - perspective, orthographic, or 2D/top down:
- Perspective: 3-Dimensional realistic view
- Adjust the field of view angle 50 deg. by default
- Higher view angles useful for exploring inside a BIM model, or 2D export
- Orthographic: 3-Dimensional with parallel perspective.
- Top Down: 2-Dimensional bird's eye view (plan view) of the Site Plan
- This can also be accessed from the 2D button, in the bottom right corner of the Site Plan
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