
cmBuilder Experimental Features

Enable and test cmBuilders' newest features still in testing.


  • cmBuilder users now have early access to the newest features coming next in the product
  • This gives users insight into what we're building and the opportunity for the cmBuilder Team to receive feedback before the features are finalized

Enable Experimental Feature

To enable the experimental features:

  • Click the User Icon, followed by User Preferences
  • Scroll down to Experimental Features
  • Toggle on the features you would like to try
    • Click Confirm to implement


Give Feedback

Have your say to help build the product you want! We encourage all our users to try the experimental features and tell us what did or didn't work for you, or if you have any ideas on how it could be better.

Get in touch:

  • Submit a feature request under the help icon (?)
  • From 'Contact Us' under the help icon
  • Email us at

Note: Please be aware that these features are still in testing and some bugs may still arise. If you do experience any bugs, please let us know! This helps us find any issues before finalizing the feature. Thank You!


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