12.1 Resource Animation Intro

Resource Animation with Visual Graph

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Available for the Following Roles: All roles

Visual graph (or visual programming) is an interface to allow the creation of node-based scripts to animate cmBuilder resources.

Watch the video below from our User Workshops introducing visual graph, and how to implement it. Refer to the links near the end of this page for more application specific material.

💡 Note: Visual Programming is an advanced feature. We encourage users to explore our documentation and resources for self-assistance whenever possible. Our team can provide limited support. For urgent issues, we'll do our best to provide assistance within our capacity.

Tips & Tricks

  • Switch your units to metric. The Visual Programming interface uses metric units, so switching your units to metric (User or Company Settings) will make the setup easier.
  • For angles, some nodes and templates work best with negative degrees, while some work best with the positive value (360 - a). 

How to Use Templates

1. Using cmBuilder Library

We have prepared templates with the Visual Graphs set up for specific Resources and Resource types. The following video covers how to use templates:

For the template files refer to the articles linked at the end of this article in the Tutorials section.


2. Building your library

You can create templates for the cmBuilder resources with embedded visual programming animations and build your own local library in the form of JSON files. 

  • Once you created a Visual Programming for a resource, click on Export to save the JSON file locally:01.png
  • Import the resource with its embedded animation by clicking on Import Templates:02.png


See the following articles for further instructions on how to create specific animations:
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