0.1 Enhance Performance

How to configure your system for optimal cmBuilder performance

This guide provides a number of solutions to configure your system for optimal performance or improve sub-optimal performance.

Initial Checks:

The following quick actions should be performed as the first port of call to rectify any interruptions in the performance

  1. Perform a hard refresh by pressing: CTRL + Shift + R
  2. Log out, and back in again
  3. Connect your laptop to a charger as it increases the hardware performance
  4. Enable Optimized Performance Mode

Optimized Performance Mode:

You can decide to reduce the quality of graphics to optimize your performance. This will trigger a page refresh and can also be applied to shared links.

  1. Click on Settings > Graphics
  2. Select "Best Performance" to reduce the graphics quality and improve performance.
  3. You can also deactivate the other graphic settings (ambient occlusion, ground shadow, environmental lighting, and show edges) to adjust the view to your liking.

Connectivity & System (Windows):

  1. Check internet speed and recommended system requirements


2. Enable Graphics Settings

3. Check if the GPU driver is up to date

    • Search for "Device Manager" in the Windows search bar
    • Open Display Adapter
    • Right-click on Graphic Card
    • Select Properties On the Driver tab
    • Compare the driver version with the manufacturer's website

4. Check Windows Task Manager

    • Ensure the GPU Engine matches the GPU in the Performance tab

Browser (Chrome):

  1. Check if Chrome acceleration is turned on
    • Go into Chrome Settings
    • Click the Advanced menu on the left side, and then click on System
    • Toggle on Use hardware acceleration when available under the System section
    • If Chrome notifies you that it needs to be restarted - close all the tabs and relaunch

2. Turn off extensions

    • Go into Chrome Menu > More tools > Extensions Turn off any non-standard extension

3. Open in an incognito window

Site Plan:

  1. Check if the model is heavy and if certain elements can be filtered out
    • Furniture
    • MEPF (unless included in the scope of simulation)
    • Existing area elements
    • Interior paneling
    • Annotations
    • Although the model file size limit is 1.5 GB, site load time may be affected for models larger than 250 MB
    • Open the model browser (tree) to determine if there are unnecessary items in your building model. Focus on what is relevant to show in the simulation
    • It is recommended to filter out some of the following items -
  2. Inactivate models that aren't being used
    • Click the three dots on the model card, and select Remove from scenario
    • Go to Buildings, Imported Models
    • Inactive models can always be retrieved and reactivated from Documents
  3. Update and reduce map tile size
    • Select a smaller map tile size, and click Create to implement changes
    • If using a large map size, site load times may be affected
  4. Split work into multiple scenarios
    • If a scenario sequence is too extensive, it may be helpful to break the simulation into different stages of work using multiple scenarios
    • There is no limit on the number of scenarios you can create


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