Creating a GLB file from my CAD file (drone scan, Revit file, etc.)

What the GLB?

A GLB file is a common file in the computer graphics industry, but never heard of by most of the construction industry. However, it is very easy to generate one, so here we will show you how!

What you need

In order to create a GLB, you will need to download Blender, which is free, gets more than 14 million downloads a year, and can be found here:


  • First, you need to convert your file to FBX or OBJ format
    • Most programs will have one of these as an option, for example:
      • Drone Deploy → .OBJ
      • Revit → .FBX
        • Note - normally you should never export a Revit file as FBX, however since we are turning it into a GLB, it is okay in this case
  • Open Blender
  • Click and drag to lasso-select the things in the middle of the screen, and press delete

  • Go to File → Import → and select the format that you are bringing in

  • Select the file that you want to bring in
  • Go to File → Export → gLTF

  • Choose the name and location of your new file - keeping the extension of the file as .glb
  • Make sure to expand the Transform tab and Uncheck the +Y Up to make sure your model will be oriented correctly

  • Click Export gLTF

  • You are done! Upload and enjoy.
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