4.1 3D Label


3D labels can be used to add text labels anywhere on your site plan. Use them to identify zones, streets, gate numbers, crane models or other elements.

3D Label.png

To add a 3D label: 

  • Select "3D Label" from the command dock and then click anywhere on your map or buildings to place the 3D label.
  • The 3D label will inherit the last configurations you used, and a side menu will appear with additional settings.

To edit a 3D label:

  • Click the pen tool at the top to rename your 3D label.
  • Click the color box to modify the color of the text, and the text field to define the label text. You can use emojis to paint a picture that helps identify elements in the site plan.
  • Adjust the text size using the vertical slider or enter a number between 0.1 and 100 in the text size field.
  • 3D labels will be detached from the terrain by default, but you can use the "Project on Terrain" toggle to align them with the terrain.

Note: In the case of 3D labels, each individual 3D label in the scenario will take up a projection slot. As a best practice, we suggest keeping labels detached from the terrain to save the projection slots for other tools.

  • Click on the Background and Border color boxes to customize their appearance.
  • Use the Timeline menu to define the first and last milestones in which the line will be visible.
  • Use the “Move”, “Rotate”, “Snap” and Reordering options to adjust the location and projection order of the 3D labels on your scenario.
  • Click "Done" to confirm the 3D label placement.

To delete a 3D label:

  • Double-click or right-click a 3D label and select "Edit" to open the side menu.
  • Click on the trash bin icon to delete the 3D label or simply select it from the 3D view and press the Delete button on your keyboard.
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