0.4 cmBuilder Workspaces

cmBuilder Workspaces

cmBuilder is structured into three main workspaces to facilitate efficient management and collaboration:
  1. Company Workspace

  2. Project Workspace

  3. Scenario Workspace

Understanding the purpose and functionality of each workspace is helpful for maximizing the benefits of cmBuilder. Each workspace has a dedicated section in this user guide to provide detailed instructions and best practices.

1. Company Workspace

The Company Workspace serves as the central hub for your organization's projects and settings. This workspace is designed for administrative tasks and company-wide management.

Key Features:

  • Company Settings: Configure default settings that apply to all projects and scenarios within the company
  • User Management: Invite new users, assign roles, and manage permissions across the organization.
  • Manage Projects: Set up new projects or archive ones you no longer need. 

To learn more about the Company Workspace visit the Company Workspace User Guide 01.png

2. Project Workspace

The Project Workspace focuses on individual projects within your account. 

Key Features:

  • Project Dashboard: View and edit your project information, such as the project type and address. 
  • Project Settings: Set up your project coordinate settings, and project based user access/roles.
  • Document Management: Upload, organize, and share project-related documents and files.
  • Integration: Link your Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) project
  • Manage Scenarios: Set up new scenarios or delete ones you no longer need. See more in the Scenario Workspace section below.

To learn more about Projects, visit the Project Workspace User Guide


3. Scenario Workspace

The Scenario Workspace enables you to create and analyze different scenarios within a project. This is where most of the cmBuilder magic happens! 

Key Features:

  • Scenario Setup: Overlay a drawing, manage schedule, import BIM models or use massing to create models, import drone scans, and so much more.
  • Create Site Plans: Add resources, create excavation plans, add zones, labels, and sequence your models.
  • Collaborate and Share: Collaborate with teammates, set up presentations, create 4D simulations, and share with stakeholders. 
  • Scenario Settings: See scenario details, and turn experimental features on/off.

For in-depth instructions on using the Scenario Workspace, please see the Scenario Workspace User Guide




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