7.3 3D Line


3D lines can be used for various purposes in your site plan. You can use them to highlight areas, define property lines, create paths for animations, and other use cases. 


To Draw a Line:

  • Click on "Project Setup" in the command dock and then select "3D Line."
  • Click anywhere on the map to start a sketch and create the 3D line outline. A new 3D line with default settings will appear in the viewer along with relevant options in the right-hand-side menu.

To Edit a 3D Line:

  • Click the pen tool at the top to rename the 3D line. It’s good practice to identify the lines you are going to use, specially when creating vehicle paths and other animations.
  • Use the style menu to choose between solid or dashed lines, define the line width and color.
  • Check the "Pixel-Based Width" box to ensure you have consistent line width on the screen when zooming in or out.
  • Use the Timeline menu to define the first and last milestone in which the line will be visible, or to disconnect the 3D line from the timeline.
  • 3D lines will be detached from the terrain by default, but you can use the "Project on Terrain" toggle to align it with the terrain.
  • Similar to zones, all your 3D lines in a scenario will take up only a single slot from the allowed projection limit.
  • Use the “Move”, “Rotate”, Reordering options and “Edit Sketch” buttons to adjust the location, projection order and shape of the 3D line on your site plan.
  • Click "Done" to confirm the 3D line setup.

To Delete a Line:

  • Double-click or right-click on 3D line and select "Edit" to open the side menu.
  • Click on the trash bin icon to delete the 3D line or simply select it from the 3D view and press the Delete button on your keyboard.
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