Splitting BIM Model Elements
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Use the Split Building tool to split imported BIM models. This feature allows you to break down a single element into multiple separate parts, and assign each part to a different milestones. For example you can break a single slab into multiple sections for concrete pour sequencing.
đź’ˇ If you prefer to follow along a video, there is a video at the bottom of the page on this topic
In this article we cover:
Creating a Model Split
The Split Building feature allows you to split your imported BIM models by selecting model elements and splitting objects like line. To use this feature:
Select Objects to Split: Select BIM element from your model that you want to split.
Draw Splitting Objects: Draw a splitting object such as a line and click confirm to split.
Here is a step-by-step guide on creating your model split:
- Upload a BIM model:
- Navigate to Buildings → BIM Import → Upload File to load your BIM model into the scene.
- If you already have a BIM model loaded, right-click on the model and select Edit BIM Model to open the side sheet.
Accessing Split Buildings:
From the Buildings Panel:
- Click on Buildings → Split Building to access the tool.
- Click on Buildings → Split Building to access the tool.
From the BIM Model Side Sheet:
You can also access the tool by selecting Split from the side sheet’s toolbar.
Select objects to split
- By default, the Object to Split card will be selected when you enter the Split Building tool.
- Select the BIM elements you wish to split, either directly from the scene or from the object tree.
đź’ˇTIP: Only select enclosed objects to split. Do not select open geometry.
Draw splitting objects
- Once the objects are selected, click Create Line to enter Sketch mode and draw your splitting object.
- Draw a line along the location where you want to split the model. When done, click Confirm to finalize the shape.
- Once the objects are selected, click Create Line to enter Sketch mode and draw your splitting object.
- You will notice the drawn line gets added to the 2nd card which is Splitting Object card (1). You will also notice a blue color dashed line (2) appears in the scene, that is the splitting line which will extruded to split the elements.
Generate Preview or Confirm:
- At this stage, you can either Generate Preview or click Confirm to finalize the split operation.
Preview the Split:
Click on Generate Preview to see the result before creating the split.
- The Resulting Objects will appear in the side sheet, and the BIM elements will be visually split in the scene, highlighted by green and maroon colors.
Click on Generate Preview to see the result before creating the split.
Confirm the Split:
- If satisfied with the preview, click Confirm to finalize the split. Depending on the complexity of the operation, this may take some time.
- If satisfied with the preview, click Confirm to finalize the split. Depending on the complexity of the operation, this may take some time.
- At this stage, you can either Generate Preview or click Confirm to finalize the split operation.
After the Split Operation
Once the split operation is complete, you'll see a notification confirming the split. The selected BIM elements will now be divided into multiple parts.
- Split Building Table:
- In the Split Building table, you'll find details of the split.
Object to Split (1) displays the original BIM elements that were divided, while Objects After Split (2) shows the number of new objects created from the split.
- Updated Model Tree:
- The BIM elements that have been split will also be reflected in the object tree.
- The icon for the split element will update, and the element’s name will include Split 1 (or the respective split number) to indicate the part of the split.
Editing a Model Split
Each model can only be split once. You have two options to access editing of an existing split operation.
đź’ˇ Keep in Mind: Editing a split will remove sequencing and properties of split elements.
- From the Split Buildings Menu: Click Split buildings → 3 Dot Menu → Edit Split.
From the BIM Model: Select BIM Model → Right click and Edit BIM model → Split.
Add/Remove Model Elements
When you are editing a split, you can add more BIM elements or remove the existing ones.
- Add objects: To add, simply click on model elements and the new elements will be added in the Objects to Split card.
 - Remove Objects: To remove, simply click on the the Remove icon to remove the BIM element from the split operation.Â
Edit Cutting Object
- To edit the cutting object, click Edit (pen icon)Â under the Splitting Object card.
- Adjust the sketch to your desired shape and press Confirm to finalize the new sketch.
- The split operation will update automatically when you add/remove elements or modify the cutting object.
- You can either Generate Preview to review the changes or Confirm to finalize the split.
Remove Cutting Object
You can remove the cutting object and start again if you prefer that flow.
- To remove the cutting object, click Remove under the Splitting Object card.
- Once removed, the cutting object will disappear from the card, and you’ll need to draw a new splitting object.
Deleting a Split Operation
You can delete a split at any time, from two locations:
a. Click Delete (trashcan icon) in the Split Buildings side menu.
b. Or, go to the 3-Dot Menu → Delete Split.
- After clicking Delete, a confirmation modal will appear where you decide to delete or not.
Once deleted, the model will lose all split operations and revert to its original tree structure.
Tips & FAQ:
Model Split General Tips:
- A model can only be split once. If you want to modify a previous split, use Edit Split instead of creating a new one. You won’t be able to select elements from an already split model.
- Only enclosed objects can be split. Open objects must be split outside cmBuilder.
- Updating the model will permanently remove all associated split operations.
- Editing a split will remove sequencing and properties of split elements.
- Deleting a split operation cannot be undone
User Workshop video covering Split Building:
Follow along this video to learn how to use the Split Building (Geometry) tool
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