User Management
Available with the Following Subscriptions: All Subscriptions
Available for the Following Roles: Company Admin, Company Manager
It's easy to work with your team in cmBuilder. The following articles cover everything you need to set your team up in cmBuilder:
- 2.4 User Management (This Article): User Types, Company Roles, Project Roles
- 2.4.1 Users: Inviting new users, Editing Company Roles, Removing Company Roles. Re-invite Users
- 2.4.2 Teams: Viewing/Creating Teams, Adding/Removing Users, Deleting Teams, Editing Teams
- 2.4.3 Roles & Permissions: Company and Project Roles, Editing Roles, Creating Custom Roles
User Types
The User Type is used to differentiate of your organization from external users.
- Member: Individuals in your company or organization. Users with registered email domains (managed under General Settings) are categorized as Members.
- Guest: individuals external to your company or organization who you invite into your account. Users with non-registered email domains are categorized as Guests.
- Each user (email address) can only be a Member of one company.
- Enterprise subscriptions have the option to add multiple email domains as Members. See General Settings to learn more.
Company Roles
Company Roles are used to assign and manage permissions to your team on an account level. They determine user permissions to:
- Edit or view Company Settings
- Create or view Projects
The above are based on the default cmBuilder settings. Other than the Admin role which cannot be edited, you have the option to customize the permissions for each role, in accordance with your specific requirements in the Roles & Permissions page. Note that it is not possible to add new Company Roles.
- Admin: Can manage Company Settings; can create and see all projects
- Manager: Can view Company Settings but can only edit company Branding library; can create and see all projects
- Editor: Can view Company Settings other than Subscription page, cannot edit any company settings; can see all projects.
- Collaborator: Cannot edit or view Company Settings; Can only view projects they are invited to.
Company Owner
The Company Owner role (tag) is automatically assigned to the user who initially created the company profile in cmBuilder. They have the same privilege as Company Admins, but Company Owners can also delete the company cmBuilder account.
Project Roles
Project Roles determine the permissions users have within projects. They are set up in the Roles & Permissions page. They determine user permissions to:
- Create, edit, or view Scenarios
- Edit or view Project Information
The above are based on the default cmBuilder settings. Company Admins have the option to customize the permissions for each role, in accordance with your specific requirements. There is also the option to create new Project Roles
Teams allow you to group users for easier management of Project Roles. See Teams to learn how to Create and Edit Teams.
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