6.2 Enhancing the Map Tile Image (using Drone Orthomosaic)

Enhancing the Map Tile Image (Drone Ortho)

The background image of your scenario can be improved by using an orthomosaic image created from a drone scan. These can be exported from any drone scan service and below we will explore a couple of options.

Step 1: Exporting the Background Image from Drone Providers

Exporting from Drone Deploy

  1. Select the date of the image you want to export
  2. Click on the Export function
  3. Select JPG Map
  4. Select JPG as file type
  5. Set the resolution to export a file size closer to 50Mb. cmBuilder can import images larger than 50Mb but it will reduce it on the import process to maintain an acceptable performance.
  6. Click on the Export button

Exporting from Propeller

  1. Select the date of the image you want to export
  2. Click on the Output function
  3. Select Survey Files > Files
  4. Select Orthophoto
  5. Download JPEG format with the size closest to 50mb. cmBuilder can import images larger than 50Mb but it will reduce it on the import process to maintain an acceptable performance.


Optional: Setting white/black color to transparent

The image exported from drones will contain the area scanned by the drone and the exceeding area will be filled with a solid color. The white color can be removed in cmBuilder, but we suggest you apply transparency to it before importing it into your scenario. You can use image editors to do so or an online tool like Remove BG

drone scan-remove background.jpg

Step 2: Importing & positioning the Satellite image in cmBuilder


  1. Click on Project Setup > select Drawing Overlay > click on Upload File to upload a new background image.
  2. Select 2-Point Positioning.
  3. Identify 2 reference points for alignment. First, choose those 2 points on the newly imported background image, and then select the same 2 points on the map.
  4. Click Confirm.
  5. Set the Opacity to 100%, position the image below the map, and turn ON Project on Terrain

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