3.1 Create Milestones

How to create a site plan simulation with milestones

In this tutorial you will learn about the concept of milestones, and how milestones are used to create the steps of the site plan simulation.


  • The site plan simulation is created by assigning project tasks to time-steps known as milestones
  • Use the milestone manager, located in the top center of the screen to create and edit milestones manually or import a schedule to automatically convert scheduled tasks into milestones
  • Upon creating the scenario the site has one default milestone - 'Project Start'

Milestone Management

  • See edit options from the three dots on the milestone card
  • To access the milestone manager table view: Click the three dots, and select Project Schedule



To add a new milestone; either:

  • Click the plus button [+]
    • Enter a name and date and press enter (or click off) to confirm
  • From the table view, click the three dots on an existing milestone
    • +Add milestone
    • Select either Add before or Add after, the existing milestone
  • Import Schedule

To edit a milestone; either:

  • Double click the name or date on the milestone manager
  • Or, click the three dots, followed by Edit name and date
    • Click Delete to remove the milestone
  • Press enter (or click off) to confirm
  • From the table view, double-click the millstone name or date
  • Or, click the three dots on the milestone
    • Click Edit name or Edit date
    • Click Delete to remove the milestone

View & Navigation Options

To navigate through the milestones:

  • Click the side arrows [<] [>] on either side of the card to move forward or backward
    • Alternatively, use the key shortcut of CTRL + L/R arrow keys
  • Click Go to milestone to navigate to a selected milestone in the table view
  • Click Current milestone to go to the nearest milestone to today's date

To customize the milestone view:

  • To change the milestone index - click the three dots on the milestone manager, followed by View
    • Select from weekly (wk), monthly (mo), or a custom index (ms) to show on the milestone manager
  • To see all milestones - click the three dots on the milestone manager, followed by Multiple View
  • Finally, as mentioned, to see the table view, click the three dots, followed by Milestone manager

What is a Milestone?

  • A milestone is the name cmBuilder uses to refer to a phase of work in the logistics or construction plan
  • cmBuilder can be analogized to a flip-book animation, where each page is a milestone, and the development of the site will be shown in the final presentation
  • A milestone needs to be created to show changes occurring, and thus each scheduled stage of work

Example Sequence:

A simulation attempting to capture the major stages of work may include some of the following milestones:

  1. Site setup and Mobilization
  2. Excavation (1, 2 , etc.)
  3. Foundation
  4. SOG
  5. Level 1
  6. Level 2
  7. Level 3 and so on
  8. Envelope
  9. Podium
  10. And so on

Further Reading:

Model Browser (Tree) - For more information on using the model tree to sequence the building model

Resource Sequencing - For more information on how to sequence resources


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