Troubleshoot Excavation

Solve some known issues related to the excavation tool.


  • The fixes for the following issues are currently under development development
  • Features & Bug Requests
  • If you experience any of the below issues (or an unlisted excavation issue) and require some assistance, please contact our support through the chat, accessible under the ? menu.

(Topographic Map) The map is color is showing in the corners of my cut

Due to extent of excavation boundary being too close to the extent of the cut.



Solution: Expand Size of Excavation Boundary

    • Go to Excavation > Excavation Plan > Edit Excavation Settings
    • Click Edit Sketch, and drag the corner points out further
    • Click Done
    • If still showing, try again and move the corner points even further away from the cut

My excavation has vanished

Due to overlapping points/vertices on excavation boundary.


Solution: Redraw Excavation Boundary

    • Go to Excavation > Excavation Plan > Edit Excavation Settings
    • Click Edit Sketch, and once the polyline tool appears, click Redraw
    • Redraw the excavation boundary to encapsulate all existing operations, and ensure there are no overlapping point or vertices
    • Click Done

My map-tile terrain is blacked out

Due to a cut or fill (polygon) made to close to the edge of the excavation boundary, the boundary auto-expand function, will not be able to properly interpret whether to expand or not.

Solution: Undo Last Operation

    • Click the Undo button or Saved 00:00
    • Click an operation to return to a prior state
    • Close once desired state is restored

Solution: Delete Excavation

    • Go to Excavation > Excavation Plan > Edit Excavation Settings
    • Click the delete icon
    • Refresh the page (CTRL + R)

There’s a large cut or hole through to the depth of the map

Due to overlapping points/vertices on cut polygon.


Solution: Delete/Redraw Cut

    • Go to Excavation > Excavation Plan
    • Click the three dots on the cut and select Delete from site plan to remove, or Edit Details to edit
    • Click Edit Polyline, and either Redraw or adjust existing points, removing any overlapping of points
    • Click Done

Solution: Redraw Excavation Boundary

    • Go to Excavation > Excavation Plan > Edit Excavation Settings
    • Click Edit Sketch, followed by Redraw
    • Redraw the excavation boundary to encapsulate all existing operations, and ensure there are no overlapping point or vertices
    • Click Done

Extent of cut not shown and walls are shown as the map tile

Due to Excavation boundary not large enough to encapsulate operations.



Solution: Edit Excavation Boundary

    • Go to Excavation > Excavation Plan > Edit Excavation Settings
    • Click Edit Sketch, either extend the existing points, or click Redraw to redefine
    • Extend the boundary to Encapsulate all existing operations
    • Click Done
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