0.3 Archiving Projects

How to archive cmBuilder projects.




  • The 'Projects' page is split into two tabs:
    • Active [Editable]
    • Archived [Non-Editable]
  • The number of active projects allowed for a company is dependent on the subscription tier; archiving gives the ability to add more projects without having to deleting existing ones
  • Unarchive projects at anytime to continue working on them
  • Archived projects can still be opened on view mode; however, no changes can be made
  • A project must be archived before it can be permanently deleted


From Active Projects:

  1. Click on three dots on the project that is to be archive
  2. Click Archive
  3. Open the Archived tab to see the new location of the project


From Archived Projects:

  1. Click on the three dots on the project to be re-activated
  2. Click Unarchive
  3. Return to the Active tab to see the new location of the project, and now editability has been restored


  1. Archive an existing project, as described above
  2. From Archived Projects, click on the three dots of the project to be deleted
  3. Click Delete
    • Click Delete again to confirm or cancel


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