5.2 Resource Sequencing

Sequencing Resources using Timeline


  • Access the Properties panel, shown while actively editing a resource
    • This will automatically open upon placing a new resource from the library (under Resources & Equipment), or by editing an existing resource
  • Under 'Map to Milestones', define the duration of visibility by specifying the milestone "From" and "To" when it will show
    • By default, From will be selected as the milestone on which the resource is placed on
    • By default, To will be selected as "End" i.e. visible until the final existing milestone
  • Click the drop-down to select the milestones
  • Click Done to implement changes


  • The selected start and end milestones are inclusive, and the resource will be visible in those milestones
  • If a resource is to be shown for the duration of one milestone, select from and to the same milestone
  • The current active milestone is indicated by a 'dot' when selecting from the drop-down



Tips & Tricks:

  • Use the key shortcut Ctrl + L/R arrow keys to change milestone while editing
  • Use the 'x' in the milestone field to deselect the milestone
  • From the dropdown:
    • Use 'Set to Current' to select the current milestone
    • Use 'Clear all' to deselect milestones and default to the first ("Beginning") and last ("End") milestones
    • Note: The search bar will only return based on the name of milestones (not dates or index numbers)

Follow this video to learn various ways to sequence a resource:

Constant VS Dynamic Resource Positioning

Some resources will remain stationary during your project timeline while others -from one milestone to the next- will need to change location on the site, or change form e.g. like a tower crane changing its height.

Allowing or limiting these changes from milestone-to-milestone is set from within the resource itself. If you wish for a resource to remain stationary through the entire schedule consider setting the resource to Constant. However if it is too move locations, rotate or change in height/reach, it must be set to Dynamic. More information on can be found at the following link: Constant VS Dynamic Resource Parameters.Ā 


Resource Placement

You can display the coverage envelope for certain resources such as tower cranes, hoists, and some mobile cranes to visualize the space that they would move within (e.g. swing radius for cranes).Ā 



šŸ’” Note:Ā The on/off toggle for the Resource Envelope is no longer under the Settings menu. The new workflow shown below allows users to select specific milestones they want the envelope to be displayed.

You can find the envelope coverage under the Adjust side sheet for the resource. The toggle will be off by default.


Depending on the type of coverage, they will be under:

  • Constant: Applies to all milestones; or
  • Dynamic: Can change over time

This allows users to control and display the coverage settings specifically for each milestone.


Tip: Showing Crane Coverage using 3D Lines

You can also use the 3D Line feature to show crane coverage envelopes.Ā  Watch this video to learn more:




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