- Every element added to the site plan can be viewed and controlled from the model browser
The model browser can be used to select, edit, show or hide various elements in the site plan
- Hiding/Showing elements or floor in the tree is how the building model is sequenced between milestones
- Click on the Tree Icon, in the top left-hand corner of the viewer to access
- Use Group by to organize your tree by different dimensions
Model Browser
- Group by: Defines how the tree is organized
- Search: Finds a specific item by typing a word
- Expand: Defines the level of expansion of the tree structure
- Object List: List of all elements added or imported to the scenario
- Minimize: Collapses the model browser to its default button view
Visibility icons
- Objects that are not visible in the current milestone according to the sequence (1)
- Temporarily hidden/showing objects when milestone visibility is overridden (2)
- No icon - Objects that are visible in the current milestone according to sequence (3)
- Restore the default visibility of elements by:
- Click on the Temp Hide/Show icon of a component in the model browser (2)
- Click on the "x" on the tag at the bottom of the model browser (4)
Hit the
icon when the model browser is minimized
Group by
The Model Browser items can be organized by different grouping methods in the "Group by" dropdown.
Object type with model tree:
- Recommended when analyzing the overall list of objects in the scenario
- Items are organized by object types (e.g. Imported models, Resources, Excavation) and default cmBuilder structure
- Imported models will display the same folder hierarchy as the original file
IFC structure:
- Recommended when creating the sequence of an imported model (learn more)
- Imported Models are organized following cmBuilder types and the IFC schema:
1 - cmBuilder object type (e.g. Imported models, Resources, Excavation)
2 - Parent name (eg. detailed massing name, imported model file name)
3 - Building Level
- 4 - Class
3 - Building Level
2 - Parent name (eg. detailed massing name, imported model file name)
1 - cmBuilder object type (e.g. Imported models, Resources, Excavation)
- Other objects will follow the default cmBuilder structure
Start & IFC structure:
- Recommended when reviewing and editing resource timelines or model sequencing
- Items are organized following cmBuilder milestones, types and the IFC schema -
1 - Start milestones
2 - cmBuilder object type (e.g. Imported models, Resources, Excavation)
3 - Parent name (eg. detailed massing name, imported model file name)
4 - Building Level
- 5 - Class
4 - Building Level
3 - Parent name (eg. detailed massing name, imported model file name)
2 - cmBuilder object type (e.g. Imported models, Resources, Excavation)
1 - Start milestones
Further Reading:
Sequencing BIM models - Sequencing building models
Resource Sequencing - Sequence resources by defining a start and end milestone
Preparing BIM Models for Import - tricks to export and optimize a building model for the cmBuilder sequence
Create a Milestone - For a tutorial on creating and editing milestones
Lasso Select - For more information on using the Lasso tool
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